In image show the Justice Athar smile face, Justice Athar Minullah wrote an additional note in the reserved seats caseJustice Athar Minullah wrote an additional note in the reserved seats case
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1. Justice Athar Minullah wrote an additional note in the reserved seats case

Justice Athar Minullah has written an additional note in the case of reserved seats case in which he clarified that the Supreme Court judgment was not meant to disqualify any party. He said that the major political party was expelled from the electoral process by misinterpreting the court decision, thereby depriving the voters of their fundamental rights.


2. The decision of the Supreme Court was not meant to disqualify a party

The Supreme Court decision was not meant to disqualify any political party. Misinterpretation of this decision has adversely affected the electoral process and affected the rights of voters. In his additional note, Justice Athar Minullah made it clear that the court decision was not intended to disqualify any political party but was a constitutional matter.


3. By misinterpreting the court decision, the major political party was excluded from the electoral process and the voters were deprived of their fundamental rights.

A misinterpretation of a court ruling has forced a major political party out of the electoral process, depriving voters of their fundamental rights. Justice Athar Manullah emphasized that this is a serious issue that affects the constitutional rights of the people and needs immediate attention.


4. It is a case of fundamental constitutional rights of the real stakeholders ie the people

This case is about the basic constitutional rights of the real stakeholders ie the people. Justice Athar Minullah said that in this matter the fundamental rights of the people must be taken into account and the election process needs to be made transparent and fair so that the rights of the people can be protected.

5. What were the difficulties before, during, and after the February 8 elections, the Election Commission should give complete records

Justice Athar Minullah has directed the Election Commission to provide a complete record of the difficulties that occurred before, during and after the February 8 elections. He said that this record is necessary to check the transparency and fairness of elections and it will help in improving the process of future



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Justice Athar Minallah’s Big Remarks in reserved seats case

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By Izhar Ul Haq

Izhar Ul Haq is a professional blogger and WordPress management expert. He is known for his expertise in various categories of blogging, with a special focus on politics. As an administrator at Paktrendline, Izhar Ul Haq ensures a smooth and engaging experience for readers interested in politics and current affairs.

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